With this team of experts and impactmakers, ParaPact looks to renew and enhance information availability for and between organisations.


Rina Molenaar

Founder ParaPact and CEO Woord en Daad

"The poorest of the poor deserve the very best. That's why good data and data management is crucial. If we really want to address root causes, systemic changes must be deployed. Good data and steering on that data is vital."

Theo Kranendonk

Founder ParaPact en CEO ProjectConnect Foundation

"Coming from an IT professional background, I see many opportunities to strategically use IT to achieve more impact. Even more since the essence of projects exceeds organizational borders, IT can play an important role in enabling real collaboration globally and bringing global leadership even closer."


Arnold van Willigen

Team member and CFO Woord en Daad

"No one can solve problems on its own, so ParaPact unlocks synergy in addressing root causes of povert, by providing data and a shared table for all actors. Having access to this data and making use of this in adaptive management of projects and programs for all consortium members, will give impact a boost. Besides that, the link between donors and target groups will be improved, facilitating a joint effort."